Minutes — April 20 2021

Minutes of the JFD #1 Meeting held April 20, 2021 
Meeting was held via Zoom; called to order at 7pm.
Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgna, Brian Stevens, Ann Kroll-Lerner, Charlie Windisch
  1. Second quarter bills were due April 1st. There was a slight increase in the amount due – $235 vs the previous amount of $230. Several payments were received in the old amount; an email was sent to those affected. The latest status as to how many outstanding bills as of the meeting time was not available.
  2. Brian reported that a decision on our loan/grant application to the state (drinking water fund) should be available in several weeks. As a backup, an application has been made to the Community Bank NA. The money is needed to pay for the greensand filter replacement that will happen this year.
  3. At this point, we are waiting for Green Mountain Engineering to submit the design and acquire a permit for the replacement of the filter. Once that happens, we can get a schedule in place for the work to begin.
  4. SOS reports the communication between the pump house and the reservoir seems to be good at this point. 
  5. The consumer confidence report has been received from SOS (Simon Operating Systems). It will be distributed (as required by law) to all Foothills residents for their review.
Meeting was called to an end at 7:35pm
Nest meeting: Tuesday, May 18
  • Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes — March 16 2021

The monthly JFD #1 meeting was held via Zoom on March 16, 2021.
Members present: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Chris Lavorgna, Chris Laskowski,
Jeffrey Earl, Robert Nadal, Charlie Windisch
Meeting was called to order at 7pm.
Discussion items:
  1. Second quarter water bills have been sent out via US mail. Bills are to be paid by April 1st! (If for some reason you have not received your bill, please contact Robert Nadal. Also note that the bills have increased by $5 – total due is now $235.
  2. The list of valves that need to be replaced was reviewed (email from Simon Operating System). SOS will forward an estimate as soon as it’s available. Work is planned for this Spring.
  3. The heater in the pump building intermittently stops working. This is a new unit, so it should be problem free at this point. Chris Laskowski will take a look; if more serious, the contractor who installed it will be contacted.
  4. Communication between the pump house and reservoir okay at the moment. Situation will continue to be monitored.
  5. The financials were reviewed. Overall our accounts are in good shape.
  6. Brian Stevens reported on the loan/grant that was submitted to the state that will cover the replacement of the greensand filter in the pump house (estimated in the $40K range.) He will also pursue a loan thru the Community Bank in case the grant application falls through.
Meeting was called to an end at 7:40pm.
(Note – All Foothills residents are eligible to attend these meetings, held the third Tuesday of the month.
Contact Charlie Windisch for more information.)
  • Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes — February 16 2021

Minutes of the Jericho Fire District #1 (JFD #1) 2/16/2021 Meeting
Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgnac, Jeffrey Earl, Robert Nadal, Charlie Windisch
Meeting was held via Zoom and called to order at 7pm.
  1. 1st quarter bills were due January 5th. With the exception of one household, all residences have paid the first quarter bills and are up to date. The committee discussed adding late fees to unpaid water bills. Robert will look into the bylaws to see what late fees can be imposed.
  2. We continue to have issues with the new Mission communication system operating between the lower pump house and the reservoir. (Reservoir and pump house need to communicate with one another – the reservoir tells the pump house when to pump more water). Communication is intermittent and should be continuous. An attempt by Fred and Cody (SOS) to reposition the antenna on the reservoir did not improve the communication. Fred agreed to contact Mission to have them get to the root of the problem.
  3. The committee unanimously agreed (by vote) to add Jeff Earl as a member. Welcome aboard, Jeff!
  4. Brian Stevens is in the process of completing the application for a grant that will be used to replace the greensand filter in the pump house. The greensand filter has reached the end of life stage and needs to be replaced this summer. The application will be circulated to Prudential Committee members for review and approval.
  5. Robert has looked into the possibility of paying the quarterly water bills electronically (direct deposit into the Community Bank account). Although it is doable, it would be more work than the current pay by mail system. Someone would have to keep track two systems – who has paid by mail/who has made an electronic payment. No final decision yet.
Next meeting: Tuesday March 16th, 2021 @ 7pm.
  • Charlie Windisch, JFD #1 Secrectary

Minutes — January 19 2021

Foothills residents: Minutes of the January 19 2021 JFD #1 Meeting.
Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Chris Laskowski, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Brian Stevens, Robert Nadal, Chris Lavorgna, Charlie Windisch
The meeting was held via Zoom and was called to order at 7pm.
  1. 1st quarter water bills were due Jan 5th. A handful of households have not paid yet; first late notices to go out January 20.
  2. A discussion was held regarding possibly switching to paying the quarterly bills electronically versus the current “mail a check” approach. Robert to contact Community Bank to explore this option.
  3. The greensand filter and support structure in the lower pump house needs to be replaced this year. This is THE filtration system for our water, and thus is critically important. It is also fairly expensive ($27K) and as such Brian (Treasurer) is applying for loan money that is available to water districts such as ours from the state. A completed draft application will be circulated to the board for review and approval.
  4. There continue to be intermittent communication problems between the lower pump house and the reservoir. The antenna at the tank will be raised and be made upright (currently at a 45 degree angle). This requires a longer cable (about a $200 pricetag). Fred to work with SOS to make this change.
  5. The February meeting will serve as our Annual Meeting. All Foothills residents can attend. JFD #1 meetings are the third Tuesday of the month, so February’s meeting date is the 16th. A notice will be sent out approximately two weeks prior to the meeting.
Questions, comments welcome.
  • Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes — December 15 2020

Foothills residents: Here are the minutes of the December 15, 2020 Jericho Fire District #1 meeting.
Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgna, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Robert Nadal, Jeffrey Earl,
Cody Grimm (SOS), Charlie Windisch.
The Zoom meeting was called to order at 7pm.
  1. SOS has placed wooden stakes on each homeowners lawn, to indicate where the water shut-off valve is. Residents are asked to leave these in place until the spring. In the event water needs to be shut off, these stakes will save time and effort in locating the valves, especially since the ground will be snow covered.
  2. Water bills for 1st quarter 2021 have been mailed out. They are due January 5th, 2021.
  3. We have a few challenging expenses next year (see below). As such, there was a motion to increase the 2nd/3rd/4th quarter bills by $5. The bills have not increased in some time, and this represents an increase of just over 2%. The motion was seconded, and passed.
  4. There was a lot of discussion on some necessary upgrades/repairs to the water system. The big ticket item is the replacement of the greensand filter/support structure in the pump house (roughly $27K), which after a state inspection last summer was deemed a “must replace” in 2021. We have the option to go ahead and replace with a new filter which is the same as what we presently have, or consult with engineers to see if there is a better option. The board decided to get an engineering opinion to search out the best option.
  5. A number of curb stop / blow-off valves need to be replaced. The board also want to move the the curb stop for #35 Foothills to the other side of the road (where it will be away from a very congested utilities area). SOS is working to get a good estimate for these repairs, but will probably be in the $5K range.
  6. Paying for items 4) and 5) above: The board will investigate several options. One is to take out a loan; another is to look into aid dollars available from the state for small water districts. SOS to send information to the board on the state aid.
Next meeting: 7pm January 21, 2021. Meetings are open to all Foothills residents.
  • Charlie Windisch, Secretary 

Minutes — November 17 2020

Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Fred Lavenberg, Robert Nadal, Charlie Windisch

Zoom meeting was called to order at 7pm.

  1. The sinkhole that had developed near the reservoir building has been filled in with gravel. The hole resulted from sand that had settled in the old manganese collection tank.
  2. The heater in the lower house has been repaired, but is nearing the end of it’s life. We will need to pursue a replacement in the near future.
  3. The dehumidifier in the reservoir house needs to be replaced. The board has told SOS (Simon Operating Systems) to go ahead with the replacement.
  4. The Mission Communication System between the pump house and the reservoir has been experiencing intermittent outages. The system was just installed this past summer. SOS is working with the supplier to fix it, including a new antenna and a firmware update.
  5. The main filter for our water supply (greensand filter) and support structure will need to be replaced in 2021. SOS is working with Green Mountain Engineering to determine the best solution and get cost estimates.
  6. SOS would like to place stakes on each property to mark the location of the shut-off valve (“curb stop” valves) for the winter months. This will save time and effort in the event the valves need to accessed.
  7. Next meeting: December 22, 2020 at 7pm.

Charlie Windisch, Secretary JFD #1 

Minutes — October 20 2020

JFD #1 Meeting Minutes – October 20, 2020

Meeting was held via Zoom; called to order at 7pm. Members present: Chris Laskowski, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch

1) There is a sink hole near the reservoir that still needs to be filled in. (There is an older tank in the ground that was filled with sand some years ago. The sand has settled and has resulted in the sink hole. The area is clearly marked and cordoned off). According to SOS (Simon Operating Systems) this hole will be filled in soon.

2) There are several curb stops / flush valves that will need to be fixed. The most critical one is at 8 Westview; this will be fixed this fall. Due to contractor workload, the others will be put off until Spring 2021. (Delaying the work for the rest was deemed acceptable by SOS).

3) Brian reported the district is in good shape financially. We will have roughly an extra $5,000 in our account at the end of the year due to interest forgiveness on our main loan as part of the government Covid relief program.

4) The Mission communication system upgrade between the pump house and the reservoir is up and running. At first, the system was not operating properly. A new antenna was installed and this has taken care of the remaining issues.

5) Payments for this quarter’s water bill: As of October 20, there were still five (5) households that have not paid their bills. Delinquent notices were to go out in the mail October 23.

6) Some discusion was held regarding streamlining the water bill payment system. Committee members felt it might be possible to send out bills via email (rather than the current Postal service mail) and use a system such as “Bill Pay” (available at many area banks) to make the payment. More discussion to follow.

7) The filter/stand system in the pump house will need to be replaced most likely within the next two years. This is a major capital expense ($25K) which will need to be factored into our upcoming budgets. Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.

Next meeting: Tuesday, November 17, 2020. All residents are welcome to attend.

– Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes – August 11 2020

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Cody Grimm (SOS), Jeff Pavese, Chris Lavorgna, Charlie Windisch
  1. The filter/sandbed structure in the lower pump house is nearing it’s end of life. The metal has become corroded over time and needs to be replaced in the near future (1 – 2 years). The cost is fairly large (roughly $27K). The committee will look into the possibility of obtaining a grant to defray the cost.
  2. The radio system that enables communication between the lower pump house and the reservoir is old and is failing. (The reservoir needs to tell the pump house to pump water up when needed). Replacement parts are getting hard to find. SOS suggests replacing the radio system with what is called a Mission System; cost is roughly $5700). The board voted to approve the purchase of the new system.
  3. Extensive discussion on the situation across from 35 Foothills. There was a leak earlier in the month that required an emergency excavation/repair. The area is very congested with utilities and the water shut off (curb stop) to 35 Foothills all in a small area. The board wants to move the curb stop to the other side of the road and replace the water supply line to #35 to eliminate problems in the future.
  4. There is a small sink hole near the reservoir building that needs to be filled in.
  5. The chlorine tanks in the lower pump house should be segregated from the rest of the equipment in the house to prevent further corrosion. SOS will outline where the walls should be placed. The board will then get an estimate to have this work done.
  6. There are a few valves that are not operating properly (these were discovered during the recent system flush). These will need to be addressed.
  7. All quarterly water bills have been paid. Roberto Nadal has decided to leave the board at the end of the year. We are looking for a replacement – someone to handle the collection of the bills.
  8. Brian Stevens reviewed the financials. JFD #1 is in good financial health.

Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes – July 21 2020

Prudential committee members present: Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgnac, Anne Lerner-Kroll, Charlie Windisch. 
  1. The CCR compliance was filed with the state, as required by law. The report itself was distributed to the development residents.
  2. The access road to the lower pump house has many overhanging limbs that need to be trimmed back, to allow chemicals to be delivered via truck. The board voted to have Gingko Tree specialists do the work ($250).
  3. Delinquent bills: At the time of the meeting, there were two households that were past due for the current quarter, and one that was past due for the last two quarters. Since the meeting, Roberto Nadal has reported that all bills have been paid.
  4. Financial status. Brian Stevens provided copies of the latest spreadsheet showing all income, expenses, etc. We appear to be in good shape.
  5. The water system needs to be flushed. This will take place Thursday, August 6th at 9am. Water will not be available for several hours. A separate notice will be sent out reminding everyone. Please plan accordingly!
  6. The reservoir tank is due for an inspection. Normally this involves drawing the water down and doing a visual inspection. SOS has recommended a drone approach that can inspect the tank without drawing the water down, and will save money. The board gave the ok to use the drone.
  7. The filter and supporting structure in the pump house will need to be replaced in the not too distant future future. We will look into segregating the chlorine tanks, which will slow the corrosive effects on rest of the equipment in the room.
  8. The water system leaks have been reduced. Thanks for everyone’s attention in addressing this issue.

Charlie Windisch, Secretary