Minutes — Mar 19 2024

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

Attendees: Jeff Earl, Ann Kroll-Lerner, Drew Bulfer, Kevin Trout, Brian Stevens

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm

  1. Motion to approve the minutes from the February meeting was made. The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilyn Marshall (via email) stated that one (1) household is currently delinquent in paying the first quarter bill. Bills for second quarter have been sent out.
  3. Financials: Cash flow is good, expenses continue to be ahead of budget due to the January repairs.
  4. Service line inventory: All households have had service line information reported to MSK engineering.
  5. AMP program status: The JFD#1 Asset Management Plan is complete. The committee will be receiving copies from Tyler Billingsley (Engineering East). The committee will pay Engineering East for the work and engage the state to have this expense fully reimbursed.
  6. Lower building heater: Meeting attendees did not know where this stands. The committee will follow up.
  7. Electric bill at reservoir: Brian Stevens brought attention to the committee that the electric bill for the reservoir building has been elevated (3-4 times the usage compared to last year, and recent months). This will be investigated.
  8. Cleanup day: It was brought up that there is some system refuse at both the well house, and the reservoir. The committee will organize a cleanup day to take care of this, and possibly paint the well house.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm.