Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Jeff Earl, Drew Bulfer, Charlie Windisch.

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

  1. Minutes from the March meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: No update was available at the time of the meeting. Second quarter bills were due April 1st!
  3. Brian reported the financial situation is excellent. We may end up spending more dollars than budgeted on repairs but our reserves are good.
  4. There was a pipe leak at the reservoir building over the past weekend. Jeff Earl was able to shut off the section of pipe leaking. SOS was notified and the pipe was fixed this past Monday.
  5. Asset Management Plan is complete. East Engineering has been paid, and JFD #1 has been reimbursed by the State.
  6. Valve replacements – Several curbstop valves need replacing. Charlie to call Chris Wells (excavator) to see if this work can be scheduled sometime this summer.
  7. Heater for the pump house – An estimate was received from Patterson. At this point, we will wait until the fall to have a new unit installed (to replace the old non-functioning unit).
  8. Clutter cleanup – Both the pump house area and reservoir building have accumulated some “clutter”. The committee will organize a cleanup day in the Spring and make a run to the solid waste district to dispose of the miscellaneous waste.

Meeting ended at 7:55pm