Minutes – January 19 2016

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

January 19, 2016

Prudential Committee Chairman Fred Lavenberg opened the meeting at 7:05 PM. at the Rawson Library conference room.

Article I: there was no audit report.

Article II: Brian Stevens presented the Treasurer’s report. The balance sheet and the 2015 income and cash flow summary and the 2106 proposed budget (see attachments) were presented. After an explanation and discussion the Treasurers’ Report was accepted.

Article III: The proposed budget was approved as presented. This a quarterly water fee to be increased to $210, beginning with the 2nd quarter, 2016.

Article IV: Requests authorization for the Prudential Committee to borrow money for temporary needs of the District. This was approved.

Article V: Ann Knoll-Lerner was nominated and elected to a three year term as Prudential Committee member. This is her second term and she re-joins Fred Lavenberg and Brian MacDonald.

Article VI: Brian Stevens was nominated and elected to a one year term as Treasurer.

Article VII: Les Allen was nominated to a one year term as Clerk.

Article VIII: Mac Lippert was nominated and elected to a one year term as bill collector.

Article VIII. No other business was conducted.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Les Allen Clerk,

Jericho Fire district No. 1

Minutes – January 12 2016

Minutes of Prudential Committee meeting  1/12/16

2016 proposed budget

Attendees: Brian Stevens, Brian MacDonald, Ann, Kroll-Lerner, Fred Lavenburg, Les Allen

Budget: Brian Stevens explained our current/YE financial position. Our 2015 expenses were about $3,000 over budget. In addition, the first week in Jan. found a $2,000 unexpected expense to replace a chemical pump. From this position and with some expected equipment/material replacements within the next two years, Brian proposed adding 5% to our water rate.The Prudential Committee approved this additional $10 per bill which will begin with the 2nd quarter billing and produce an additional $2,160 over the current rate, by YE ’16. Please refer to attachment #2 to track the trends from 2011 and to assess the 2016 budget proposed for your vote on 1/19/16.

Sludge (waste water) removal expense: There was a brief discussion regarding the anomaly in this (2015) expense.  We believe we can contain this in 2106 and it is reflected in the proposed budget.

Elections: The P.C. plans to make the following nominations at our 2/19/16 annual meeting;

  1. Ann Kroll-Lerner for a second three year term as a P.C. member, rejoining Brian MacDonald and Fred Lavenburg.
  2. Brian Stevens for a one year term as Treasurer.
  3. Les Allen for a one year term as Clerk.
  4. Mac Lippert for a one year term as Bill Collector.

Other nominees will be accepted from the floor.

Management team vacancy concerns. 
  1. Mac Lippert has informed us of his selection for a one year sabbatical from St. Mike’s College beginning in September. Therefore we need a replacement or fill-in Bill Collector by 9/1/16.
  2. Brian MacDonald, for personal reasons,  will need to leave his P.C. position sometime this Spring and the P.C. will need to appoint a replacement to complete the remaining 1+3/4 year term.
  3. Mike Wright has until now, provided us with web  management services. Mike is now working in Florida and Kathy plans to join him there. Anybody with these skill? We need you.

All of the Fire District management team positions are on a voluntary basis. The rewards are limited to the satisfaction of keeping this necessary neighborhood service functioning and to the frequent deafening applause at monthly meetings. Please give consideration to filling one of these, soon to be vacant positions, and advise me or one of the P.C. members of your interest.Respectfully submitted,Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – October 6 2015

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho fire District No. 1

October 6, 2015

Attendees: Brian MacDonald, Les Allen, Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens

Treasurers report: Brian Stevens provided the following documents; “Operating Income and Cash Flow Projections” (attached), a “Balance Sheet”, and a detailed “Summary of Income and Expenses”, and talked through a few of the essentials. The subtotal of expenses (“Projected 2015”), show that we will be close to the YE budget expectations. We discussed how some of the current operations expense may effect this outcome. This report was approved.

Brian also reported that from his attendance at a water systems finance seminar, he found two ideas for us to consider. One, the incrementing of rate increases to replace delayed and abrupt changes, and a budget display of the capital replacement funding.

Operations: Les reported that there is a problem with a failed water meter in the main line that disrupts the system control of the well pump. We are currently operating the system with manual over rides and our system operator will purchase and replace the failed meter, within a few days.

The system distribution lines will be “blown out” to clean out collected sediment, sometime within the next few weeks. This will disrupt service (selectively) between 9:00 AM and noon. We will give our customers a day or two advance notice once this task is scheduled.

It was decided to postpone cleaning the reservoir until next Spring.

Sludge Disposal: Since the Vt. ANR drinking water Div. has allowed us to rescind our U.I.C. (Underground Injection Control) permit we have considered if and how we could reduce the filter backwash sludge removal cost. We currently spend approx. $2300 per year for liquid sludge pump-out and removal. If the ANR DW Div. is not concerned with the manganese oxide and iron oxide disposal, could we dump it on our property?  The minerals back to the earth from whence it came.

At our Aug. 10, 2015 meeting we authorized a lab test of the sludge that the Vt. ANR Waste Management Div. requested. This we hoped would lead to a decision to allow us to self-dispose of the sludge. The answer was “no” because this concentration of minerals also contained arsenic. What is not a problem as a trace element in our drinking water, in this concentration is within the limits of a “Controlled substance” that requires waste disposal in a lined land fill.

We agreed to continue to have the sludge pumped out until we determine there is a more cost favorable alternative.

We agreed to continue to determine the costs associated with drying the sludge (to reduce the volume), repackaging it for handling, and allow Casella Waste to truck it to their land fill. This would be considerable less frequent than the pump-out needs.

Respectfully submitted,

Les Allen, Clerk, Jericho fire District No. 1

Minutes – April 21 2015

Minutes of the Meeting of the Prudential Committee

Jericho Fire District No 1

April 21, 2015

Attendees: Brian MacDonald, Ann knoll Lerner, Les Allen

CCR: Les reported that the CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) was distributed electronically to 67 of the 72 water system customers. The remaining customers will be served via US mail. This report of our water quality in 2014 has a mandate by State law to attempt delivery to all customers. This report will also be added to our web site.

Op Permit: Les reported that he received notice that our State Operating permit is due to expire and he will file the required renewal application.

Generator Maintenance contract: A maintenance contract offer from Reliant Electrical Works was reviewed, discussed and approved by the PC. This included a list of yearly preventive maintenance items for a cost of $250. This generator is what will keep the reservoir and the pressure pumps operating during a power outage.

Customer shut offs: After consideration of the pros and cons of operational testing all 72 customer shut-offs it was decided to not do this work. We currently will operate on a fix when needed bases.

Back-wash holding tank pump-out: With the withdrawal of our U.I.C. (Underground Injection Control) permit, the PC discussed this now uncontrolled part of our operation and alternatives for manganese sludge disposal. With the cost of $780 per pump out, expected 3 to 4 times per year, it appears worth considering. After a discussion, It was concluded that more research is needed before making a decision.

“FoothillsAll” email distribution: Recent use concerns were discussed. The Yahoo facility for simple e-mail to all (in the Foothills), is a free facility but with the restriction of no document attachments. Les explained that he created a separate Water System Clerk’s distribution that will allow the attachment of documents like the CCR recently sent. Otherwise, he would be required to send 72 US Mail letters.

Other types of water system documents, like these meeting minutes, can also be sent directly, without a copy and paste. It was not intended, and shouldn’t be used by piggy backing, as an alternatives to the FoothillsAll distribution. That distribution is intended for all other options useful to the Foothills neighborhood. There are currently 56 on the FoothillsAll distribution of the likely 67 possible. We hope that those missing will be able to sign-in successfully. It should be noted that a distribution to “all” goes to “all” and some discretion should be used before adding to everyone’s In box.

Respectfully submitted;

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – February 17 2015

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

February 17, 2015

Attendees: Brian McDonald, Fred Lavenberg, Les Allen

Financials: Financials were not reported nor discussed.

Bill Collecting: After researching the requirements, mostly related to the bank deposits, Mac has informed the PC that he will continue billing by mail. The Second quarter 2015 will be mailed this month. One of our water system customer is in arrears two quarters after paying with checks that have bounced. The house is currently unoccupied and the water has been shut off. The whereabouts of the owner is not known. Mac has performed all proper notifications (stipulated by law). Because the post office is forwarding mail, it was decided by the PC that a certified letter from the Clerk, representing the PC, would be sent in an attempt to determine the situation. A property lien is being explored.

Back wash holding tank: The tank was pumped out on 2/6/15 when the sludge depth indicated the need. Because this seems too frequent, Les and our system operator Kirk Patch were observers. The tank is 17’ long with the access at one end. While the sludge that is pumped out is a soft flowing material, we concluded that there may be an accumulation (25 yrs. ?) of solids at the other end that is reducing the containment volume. We decided, and the PC supports an effort to gain access at the other end of the tank for clean out purposes. The second sealed concrete access will be replaced with a “Tuft-Tite” lid. This will allow us to determine if there is a problem and a way to remedy it. This work will be done during warm weather. It is hoped that this will reduce the frequency of pump outs.

Vt. public meeting laws: As a Fire District, we are a municipality under Vt. State law and subject to meeting notice and meeting minute’s regulations. The Vt. State legislature made changes to these laws last session and are considering changes again. We are able to maintain awareness of these activities through weekly legislative publication from the Vt. League of Cities and Towns.

Respectfully submitted,

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – January 20 2015

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

January 20, 2015

2015 budget

2014 balance sheet

Prudential Committee Chairman Fred Lavenberg opened the meeting at 7:15 PM to a packed crowd at the Rawson Library conference room.

Article I: Fred asked for nominees for the position of annual meeting moderator. Les Allen was nominated, humbly accepted the nomination and was elected for one year.

Article II: Brian Stevens presented the Treasurer’s report. The balance sheet and the 2014 income and cash flow summary and the 2105 proposed budget (see attachments) were presented. After an explanation and discussion the Treasurers’ Report was accepted.

Article III: The proposed budget was approved as presented. This requires the quarterly water fee to be increased to $200, beginning with the 2nd quarter, 2015.

Article IV: Requests authorization for the Prudential Committee to borrow money for temporary needs of the District. This was approved.

Article V: Brian MacDonald was nominated and elected to a three year term as Prudential Committee

Article VI: Brian Stevens was nominated and elected to a one year term as Treasurer.

Article VII: Les Allen was nominated to a one year term as Clerk.

Article VIII: Mac Lippert was nominated and elected to a one year term as bill collector.

Article VIII: Other business. In appreciation for their dedication and service, a motion was made and passed to give the Prudential Committee members and officers a 100% pay increase. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM to tumultuous applause as the crowd dispersed.

Respectfully submitted

Les Allen Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – December 16 2014

Minutes of Prudential committee Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

December 16, 2014

2014 Ops and 2015 budget proposal

Attendees: Brian Stevens, Ann Kroll Lerner, Fred Lavenberg, Les Allen

Reimbursement request: Based on a claim that the curb stop to his house did not fully close, Dennis Waite paid two additional hours of a plumber’s time to replace the inside shut-off valve. He asked for $160 credit to his water bill. At the time the curb stop turning rod was replaced, the curb stop shut-off was observed to function properly. The PC discussed the various considerations and unknowns and concluded that the F.D would not assume responsibility for the excess plumber charge, therefore, not approve the requested credit.

Customer house: Because this house is un-occupied and the curb stop is in-operable at this time the F.D addressed the risks to the customer’s home . There is an inside shut-off and the customer will provide a key to Fred Lavenberg should there be an emergency need to shut the water off.

Bill Collector bank account request: Mac Lippert is setting up a means for electronic bill payment and a method to do this entails some options regarding bank accounts. The option approved by the P.C. will be a “sweep” account to which bills may electronically be paid. The Bill Collector will not have electronic access to this account but the bank will provide activity reports. The Bill Collector (Mac) will make the transfers from the “Sweep” account to the F.D. treasure’s account in person at the bank. The convenience of electronic access to the “Sweep” account could only be allowed if the Bill Collector also has access to the Treasure’s F.D. account. While less convenient, the P.C. deemed it prudent to maintain this access separation and accountability.

Bounced check: Mac informed the P.C. that after a second billing he received a check that bounced. Because of certain unusual circumstances, the P.C. advised Mac to re-bill a third time before authorizing 2015 budget with rate increase: The proposed budget for 2015 (attached) with an increase in our water rate billing was discussed and approved by the Prudential Committee (see attachment). The annual rate of $660 will increase to an annual rate $792. However, with the rate increase beginning in the 2nd quarter, the annual amount in 2015 will be $765, and step up to $792 in 2016. The principal increase occurs in “repairs” and will result in an EOY cash balance of $15,999. This cash balance includes a necessary accumulated reserve fund and was reduce from $51,866 to $11,826 at YE 2014 due to recent, unplanned needs.

Annual meeting: Our annual Fire District meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM in the conference room at the Rawson library. The agenda includes the election of officers and approval of the proposed or modified budget.

Respectfully submitted;

Les Allen, clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – November 18 2014

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho fire district No. 1

November 18, 2014

Attendees: Brian McDonald, Ann Kroll Lerner, Brian Stevens, Fred Lavenberg, Les Allen

Ratified electronic decisions: Three decision made via e-mail between meetings were ratified by the P.C. These were for SOS requests to; hire a plumber to check out the filter building heater, to purchase a sludge judge for measuring the back wash tank sludge level and to purchase a back wash tank lid that a single person can remove.

Reservoir building gas conversion: The installation and hook-up of natural gas was completed. Les will contact Suburban Gas to remove the existing propane tank and discuss compensation.

Sludge in the back wash holding tank: Les reported our SOS operator measured the sludge level to exceed the allowable and that P & P Septic pumped out 3,000 gal. of manganese sludge on 11/12. This is the second pump out in 2014, within a little less than 6 months. From this it was decided that we need to plan for three pump outs per year, going forward.

Stuck shut-off valve: at #6 Ridge Rd. Our operator reported that more often the connecting pin assembly corrodes and can be replaced. This shut-off needs complete replacement and due to the lateness of the season, recommended that this work be postponed until Spring of 2015. A shut-off of water for all of Ridge Rd. and re-flushing will be required. The PC agreed with the recommendation from our operator to defer this work. Les will contact the absent owner to notify that our water system operator has proposed that we (they) conduct an all customer shut-off valve assessment next summer. Some of these valves are nearing 40 yrs. old and may have corroded beyond usability, as shown by the valve at #6 Ridge Rd. The P.C. approved this proposal.

Water scale/sediment: reported at #15 Ridge Rd. Fred will contact the customer to investigate further and provide recommendations.

Bill collecting proposal: The pending 1st qtr. 2015 billing will occur in the normal manner. Beginning with the 2nd qtr. Of 2015 Mac Lippert will try electronic billing notification and offer the option for electronic transfer for the payment. To do this will require a new, dedicated bank account from which the payments can be monitored and then swept into the treasurer’s account. The Prudential Committee approved this proposal and authorized Mac Lippert to set-up this new account at the Merchants Bank.

Financials: Brian Stevens presented the current balance/prior year comparison, and the income and cash flow summary. The planned expenditures tracked reasonably well with priors except for three unplanned expenditures which have depleted our reserve fund, as reported previously. This reserve fund was planned to accumulate sufficiently to accommodate six significant expenses (in excess of $28,000) within the next three years.

After considerable discussion of the implications and how to meet potential consequences of this short-fall in the reserve fund, the P.C. agreed that our proposed budget for 2015 will include a 15% increase, to begin with the second qtr. Billing. The P.C. will prepare a sufficient presentation of this need at the annual meeting. Anyone wishing to discuss this earlier can plan to attend the Dec. P.C. meeting on 12/16 at 7:00 PM, Rawson library.

Annual meeting preparation: The Fire District annual meeting will be held; 7:00 PM, January 20, 2015 in the conference room Ann and Fed will continue their terms as P.C. The P.C. will nominate Brian McDonald for a three year term as P.C. member. The P.C. will nominate Brian Stevens and Les Allen, each to a one year terms as Treasurer and Clerk respectively.

Respectfully submitted,

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – October 21 2014

Minutes of Prudential committee Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

October 21, 2014

Attendees: Ann Knoll-Lerner, Mac Lippert, Les Allen, Brian MacDonald

Organization changes: Debbie Lackey and Dawn Makowinskyi, who have together, performed our bill collecting tasks, are both leaving us; our management team, the neighborhood and Vermont. We thank them both for their service to our water system and our neighborhood and we wish them well in their new adventures.

Mac Lippert has offered to take over the water billing and Brian MacDonald has offered to fulfill the remainder of Mac’s PC committee position.

The PC Committee voted to accept Mac’s resignation and appointed him as our Bill Collector. We thank Mac for his nearly three years on the PC and for his willingness to step into another job for us.

The PC Committee also voted to appoint Brian MacDonald to the empty PC position. We welcome Brian to our team.

Delinquent water bills: The current set of delinquent bills was discussed. One of these is still outstanding and the water will be shut off. It is unfortunate that this occurs as we are a volunteer organization and the extra work imposed by these delinquencies is not compensated. We discussed the State laws that both govern and constrain our actions. An additional and allowable 8% collector’s compensation was discussed, but the PC Committee voted to not impose this.

U.I.C. permit/sludge measurement and reporting: With the completion of our re-constructed back-wash leach field, the State’s permit requires quarterly measurements and reporting of the manganese sludge level in the settling tank. Our SOS operators will perform this additional measurement during October. It is likely that this tank will have an addition pump out before winter.

Budget proposal for 2015: no work was done at this meeting on this. The November meeting will see us finalize what will be proposed at our January Annual meeting so that it can be published in advance.

Discussion: We spent a few minutes discussing the water system, our varied measurements and reporting, and our monthly meeting protocol. We will have more of this at future meeting to ensure Brian gets up to speed quickly.


Respectfully submitted;

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – September 16 2014

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho fire district No. 1

September 16, 2014

FD I&C Summary

Attendees; Fred Lavenberg, Mac Lippert, Les Allen

Leach field construction and UIC (Underground Injection Control) permit status.

Les reported that the leach field construction performed by JA Bedell Excavating, LLC and supervised by Green Mountain Engineering was completed, and we have received the required UIC permit from the state. This permit requires quarterly measurements and reporting in addition to the annual engineering assessment report. A second pump-out of the settling tank in the Fall, was approved.

Conversion of the pump house to natural gas

We observed the work by VT Gas to install the meter, hook-up the heater and pipe a gas line to the generator. The remaining task of converting the generator is expected to be done by Reliant.

Water rate planning

Brian had forward his current financial data to the Prudential Committee for use. These indicate that the YE cash reserve will be significantly below planned. This was caused by two occurrences, the 2013 riverbank erosion re-construction and the 2014 cost to re-construct the leach field. Neither of these expensed were included in the Capital Replacement Fund.  While our current income continues to cover our current expenses, the PC believes that an increase in the water rate is required to re-establish this reserve fund. We expect to identify the needed rate increase at our next meeting and forewarn our members appropriately. Comments and question are welcomed.

Filter re-bed

A question regarding re-bedding the sand filter was not answered. This is a large, periodic expense that we did not know when this was last done. Les will look through records and ask Culligan if needed.

Bill collector needed

No volunteer for this job has come forth and the bills are accumulating in the PO. After a brief discussion, Mac offered to take on this task, but as a PC member he will need to step down from that post. This means that a replacement to complete his Prudential Committee position (till Jan. ’15) must occur before Mac can assume the bill collection task. So now we need a temporary PC member. A quorum to do business is two of the three. A vacancy would be untenable.  So now we need a temporary Prudential Committee member. Anybody?? Please! If no response, some direct contacts will be made.

Respectfully submitted

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1