Minutes – June 16 2020

Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgna, Jeff Pavese and Charlie Windisch
Here are the minutes:
  1. Water bills have been mailed out. Payment is due July 1st; no exceptions.
  2. The latest financial spreadsheet (as provided by Treasurer Brian Stevens) was discussed. The Fire District appears to be in good shape financially.
  3. We have been alerted by SOS (Simon Operating Systems) that the water usage is higher than normal, and a leak is suspected. Homeowners: If you notice wetter than normal spot(s) on your property, please contact the Prudential committee. Also, please check to see if there are any running toilets or the like. If so, please address.
  4. The next meeting is tentatively set for July 21 at 7pm. A notice will be sent out prior to the meeting to confirm.

Charlie Windisch, Secretary

Minutes – February 18 2020

Meeting minutes – Jericho Fire District #1  meeting of February 18, 2020 

Members present: Fred Lavenberg, Ann Kroll-Lerner, Jeff Earl, Chris Laskowski, Charlie Windisch 

1) The water quality report was discussed. This report needs to be distributed to the neighborhood and a copy sent to the state.  

2) Chris Laskowski was elected to be President for a one year term, taking over from Fred Lavenberg. 

3) Water rates will not increase this year. 

4) Next water bills will go out March 1, 2020. Payment is due April 1, 2020. 

Next meeting: March 17, 2020 7pm at Deborah Rawson Library. 

Charlie Windisch, recording secretary 

Minutes – March 19 2019

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Chris Lavorgna, ,Chris Laskowski, Ann Kroll, Brian Stevens, John Irving, Skip Smith, Charlie Windisch, Robert Nadal

1. A discussion about how best to fix a leak at 38 Foothills Drive. It was decided to fix the leak and leave the relocation of the curbstop at 35 Foothills until Spring.

2. At the Annual Meeting in January a 7% rate increase( $210 to $225) was approved but was not charged in the most recent billing cycle. It was decided that a supplemental $15 charge would be added to the next bill to remedy the mistake.

3. Brian Stevens gave a review of the financial picture. We have had 2 leaks recently and work needs to be done in the spring. With that being said we are on target with the budget.

4. Mission Systems, the company who monitors the system daily needs to be contacted to consolidate our billing.

5. A discussion of the  application for a development for housing off of Meadow Drive was had. The Prudential committee  is following this closely  as to the affect it will have on our Well Protection Area, Storm Water Runoff and increased traffic in the Foothills.

PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING THE PRUDENTIAL COMMITTEE , WE ARE LOKING FOR 2  MORE MEMBERS.The time commitment is minimal but safe  drinking water in the Foothills is needed by all.

Minutes – December 18 2018

We will hold the annual meeting the 15th of January. Please plan on attending if you have Questions or Concerns.

The December meeting was held on the 18th at the Library. A quick review of work scheduled to restore water pressure at the Spencer house was discussed. The work will be done ASAP.

Brian Stevens gave us an over view of the finances. We saw a large expenditure this past year because of the leak at Foothills and Meadow, this combined with the cost of a “rebed” of the Culligan system which extracts manganese from the water that will be done in the spring helped us make the decision that a rate increase of about 7% is needed. This is the first increase in 3 years and will help us build up our emergency fund so that we do not have to ask for a special payment from the Foothill Community.

Please consider joining the Prudential Committee, WE NEED 2 NEW MEMBERS. This is not a huge time commitment yet is critical for the continued  smooth operation of the Water System.  

If you are new to the Foothills it is a great way to get involved and get to know your neighbors.  

Thank you,

Fred Lavenberg    

Minutes – October 16 2018

Minutes from JFD Prudential Committee Meeting 16 Oct 2018

1. Kirk Patch from SOS attended and reported that the Green Sand filter is due for a “re-bed” in the spring. This is the unit responsible for extracting Manganese from the well water.

2. Kirk ran a limited flush of the system and reported he saw less brown water then we might expect with regard to the incidents of Brown water earlier in the fall. The suspicion is there might have been a low water level in the well due to the drought.

3. He suggested people install an inline house filter if there is not one in place and to change the filter as needed if there is.

4. Brian Stevens reported the financial budget seems to be on target with the exception of the expense of the repair of the leak last winter at the Foothills/Meadow intersection. We will discussing the Budget for the next year at the December Meeting on Tuesday 20 Nov 2018 at the Library, all are welcome and encouraged to attend.

5. We are looking into changing Propane providers for the lower pump building

6. A short discussion was held about what to do with unpaid/outstanding accounts. For whatever reason if a homeowner needs additional time to pay the Water bill please get in touch with the members of the Prudential Committee or Sue Grab.

7. Please think about getting involved with the JFD#1 Prudential Committee as new officers will be elected this January. Please contact any one of the current board

Minutes – January 16 2018

JFD#1 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Article I to elect a Moderator for one year.
Fred Lavenberg was elected moderator for the annual meeting

Article II to hear the Treasurers report.
Brian reported 2017 year end expenses were $1,341 under budget. (see attachment)

Article III Shall the JFD#1 accept the proposed or amended budget?
A motion by John Irving proposed that the 2018 budget be the same as the budget for 2017, was seconded and approved

Article IV Shall the JFD#1 authorize the Prudential Committee to borrow money for the temporary needs of the Fire District?
A motion to authorize the Prudential Committee to borrow money was made, seconded and approved.

Article V to elect a JFD#1 Prudential Committee member for a period of three years.
Chris Laskowski was elected to a three-year term on the prudential committee, filling the seat vacated by John Irving, and joining Ann Kroll Lerner and Fred Lavenberg.

Article VI to elect a Treasurer for one year.
Brian Stevens was elected to a one-year term as treasurer.

Article VII to elect a Clerk for one year.
Chris Lavorgna was elected to a one-year term as clerk, replacing Les Allen.

Article VIII to elect a Bill Collector for one year.
Sue Grab was elected to a one-year term as bill collector.

Article IX Other JFD#1 business thought proper when met.
No other business was conducted.

Respectfully submitted
Les Allen, Immediate past Clerk, JFD#1

Minutes – November 21, 2017

Minutes of Prudential Committee meeting, Jericho Fire District No. 1, November 21, 2017

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, John Irving, Ken Laskowski, Les Allen, Brian Stevens

Financial: Brian provided the attendees with the documents “Operating Income and Cash Flow”(attached) , and “Summary of Income and Expenses”.

A large recent expense was the replacement of three failed pressure tanks at $4,220.These tanks are part of a set that sustain useful pressure water pressure between pump cycles. A recent sludge removal had not yet been billed, but is expected to be $840. All told, we remain close to plan

The amount of the planned balance ($27,000) in the 2017 budget came under discussion. Bryan explained that a significant portion of this represents a capital replacement reserve. Bryan has carried the details of this in a separate spread sheet. Further discussion was differed to our Dec. meeting when the 2018 budget will be planned.

A new curb stop at # 35 Foothills Dr. will be included in the 20118 budget. Les will ask Kirk for a cost estimate.

Operations: In addition to the pressure tank replacement and the sludge removal, John reported that he removed brush from around the filter building and Bob Hirschfeld repaired the attic vent screen. Also, a tree fell onto our reservoir building during the recent wind storm.. No damage occurred and John removed the tree. The “Mission” reporting system still has some missing information with the alarms. Kirk is discussing this with Champlin.

Customer issues: The nearly three years of missed payments from the owner of #6 Arcadia Circle came up for discussion again. It had been decided at the September meeting to proceed with a property sale to recover the amount due (and expenses). Lawyer David Sunshine had been contacted but no actions followed. A number of questions were again raised, and it was decided that a meeting with David Sunshine was needed to address these questions as well as to initiate the recovery of the delinquent money. Les will invite David to our December (12/21/17) meeting or call a special meeting for this purpose.

Respectfully submitted

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1