Minutes — Nov 21 2023

Meeting location: Deborah Rawson Library Meeting room

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Jeff Earl, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm

1. The minutes from the October meeting were approved.

2. Bill pay status: Marilyn Marshall reported (via separate email) there are a handful of households delinquent in paying the 4th quarter bills. Late notices have been sent out.

3. Financial picture: Brian reports we are in good shape. With the dollars from the greensand filter loan our reserves have been rebuilt. Cash flow is good.

4. Asset Management Program update: Jeff reports JFD #1 has attended the mandatory workshops. The engineer mapping out lines, valve locations and inventorying our system has completed a draft report. The report has been circulated to the Prudential Committee for review and comment. There are remaining items on the checklist that need to be addressed to complete this activity. Jeff and Drew are working on it.

5. Service line inventory (SLI) – Per State requirement, the water lines from the curb stop to each Foothills house must be checked for lead. (There are a few exceptions – homes built after 1989 do not need to be checked as the State outlawed the use of lead pipes). Each home should have received a letter from MSK Engineering explaining what needs to be done. There are two options: 1) Self report. The homeowner takes a picture of the water pipe coming into the house and sends it to MSK. 2) An appointment can be made with MSK whereby they will come to check the water line. It is expected that all water lines are copper and that nothing further will need to be done. (Questions? Contact the Prudential Committee).

6. Pumps at the reservoir: We now have the new pump installed, as well as a refurbished pump in place. (There is also a spare pump – just in case). 

7. The heater at the pump house is shot and needs to be replaced. The committee will look into getting a replacement.

8. The lower fields will be brush hogged before the snow flies.

9. 2024 budget – to be discussed at an upcoming meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm

Minutes — Oct 17 2023

Attendees: Jeff Earl, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Kevin Trout, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

  1. Bill payment status: Marilyn reported (via email) that approximately 80% of the households have paid the third quarter bill.
  2. Financials: Brian reported that we are pretty much on target with regards to spending vs expected income. The goal is to keep the rates as low as possible for all Foothills customers. It was noted that in general we are not limited by water availability – if the neighborhood were bigger we could meet the needs of all. But the number of houses is fixed (roughly 70) and the costs must be shared by that number.
  3. Paving – The small patch of chewed up road near the access to the reservoir was paved by Chris King paving.
  4. The chlorination of the water appears to be off. SOS had noticed the chlorine drip system in the pump house was not working properly and adjusted accordingly. Several neighbors have alerted the committee. We will monitor the situation (it takes about three days to use the water in the reservoir) to see if things change. If not, SOS will be notified.
  5. Jeff and Drew will attend the second day of the Asset Management Program on 10/18/23.
  6. The new pump for the reservoir has arrived and arrangements to have it installed will be made. This should greatly help keeping our system pressurized as we have been limping along sometimes only with one pump (should be two) as one was undergoing repairs.
  7. The propane heater in the pump house has not been working for a while. Chris Laskowski has agreed to take a look.

Meeting concluded at 8:10am

Minutes — Sept 19 2023

Present: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Drew Bulfur, Ann Kroll Lerner, Dan Lerner, Charlie Windisch

Location: Deborah Rawson Library Meeting room

Meeting called to order at 7:08pm

  1. Minutes from the August meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilyn reported (via email prior to the meeting ) that one family still has not paid the July 1st bill. She is trying to reach out to arrange for payment. (Note: 4th quarter bills are due October 1st).
  3. The recent electrical issues were discussed (there were several). The latest involved a circuit breaker failure at the pump house, which resulted in no water being pumped to the reservoir. Fred was able to contact an electrician who replaced the breaker. (Note: The breaker that failed was only rated at 60 amps, while our service is 100 amps. We were lucky this breaker lasted as long as it did). The pumps at the reservoir (of which there are two) have been intermittent at best, also leading to low pressure water issues. SOS swapped out one of the pumps with a “loaner” to keep us going. The swapped out pump is being refurbished. The other pump had a leak which SOS was able to repair. The prudential committee unanimously approved the purchase of a new pump (approximately 2K $). The net is we will have a new pump, a refurbished pump, and a spare pump going forward.
  4. One recent violation from the State has been resolved. Testing results were submitted by SOS a few days earlier than required; the State thought no data had been submitted. Issue resolved.
  5. Snow plowing the road from Foothills Dr to the reservoir: This road also leads to the Lerner’s driveway. Ann and Dan have agreed to split the cost of the plowing with JFD #1. (Note: Chuck Wiegand has agreed to do the plowing next winter).
  6. Small paving job near 38 Foothills – There is a small patch of asphalt that was ripped up last winter by the town plow. This section needs to be paved before next winter. Drew to contact Wilfred King to get an estimate.
  7. Financials: Brian reports we are in very good shape at the present. We finally received the $60K bond dollars (very lengthy process). The remaining balance owed Culligan for the greensand filter replacement was paid off. We are coming in at or below budgeted items in most areas.
  8. The Asset Management Plan (AMP) was approved by the State. Jeff Earl attended the first workshop meeting held on September 19. Two more workshops will need to be attended (attending the workshops is a condition of the Management plan approval. Thank you Jeff!)
  9. A new requirement by the State for all water districts is to conduct a “service line inventory” (SLI) by October 2024. The purpose is to insure there are no lead pipes in our system. The State will provide the money to conduct this inventory.

Meeting concluded at 8pm.

Minutes — Aug 15 2023

Attendees: Jeff Earl, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Bill payment status: An exact number was not available as of meeting time, but Brian indicated we are pretty close to everyone having paid up based on deposit information.
  2. System purge/blowoff – This has not happened yet, despite several calls from Jeff to SOS. Jeff to follow up again with SOS.
  3. JFD #1 violation with the State – SOS reports they are working with Champlin Associates to resolve the issue. The violation involves reporting how much water goes into and out of the filter/pump house. The Mission Software (provided by Champlin) is not currently reporting the data required by the State, but used to.
  4. Financials – Brian reported that we are in good shape. Payments have been coming in as expected and a few forecasted expenditures are actually lower than expected.
  5. AMP (Asset Management Program) – Nothing new to report.
  6. Greensand filter loan – Almost there! This has been a long process with many steps and forms to be filled out, but we are almost there. Once we have the dollars we Brian will pay the outstanding balance that is owed Culligan.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm

Minutes — May 16 2023

Attendees: Brian Stevens, Fred Lavenberg, Jeff Earl, Charlie Windisch.

Meeting location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm

  1. The minutes from the April 2023 meeting were approved.
  2. Water bill payment status: Four (4) households still have not paid the second quarter bills (bills were due 1 April). Late notices have been sent out. 16 households are now on automatic bill payment via Community Bank. 3rd quarter bill notices will be sent out on or about June 6 (they are due 1 July).
  3. Bond status – JFD #1 was finally able to obtain a “Unique Entity ID” (UEI). This number is needed for our loan application to be finalized. We expect our loan dollars to be available in 4 – 8 weeks.
  4. Culligan greensand filter repayment – $14K remains to be paid. 
  5. Brian noticed a spike in our electricity usage in the pump house several months ago. It turns out that the heater (which ran off propane) in that building had failed, and SOS installed an interim electric heater. The propane heater needs to be repaired.
  6. Pump in the reservoir – about a month ago one of the pumps stopped working. It turns out it was just a relay that needed to be replaced (minor repair). The pump is back on line.
  7. Curb stop replacement – Jeff Earl is working to get a list (from SOS) of the curb stops that need to be replaced. Once we have this list we can engage an excavator and coordinate with SOS to have this work done.
  8. The septic tank near the well head needs to be pumped and the system back flushed. P&P Septic will be contacted.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.

Minutes — April 18 2023

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Jeffrey Earl, Drew Bulfer, Charlie Windisch

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Minutes from the March 2023 meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilyn Marshall reports that all payments for quarter #1 have been received. For quarter #2, 17 households have not yet paid. Late notices to go out shortly. (As an aside, 12 households are on the autopay option; 2 more will sign on).
  3. The committee recommends bills to be sent out no later than the 15th of the month before they are due (e.g., bills due April 1st will be sent out no later than March 15).
  4. SOS has hired a new person: Ryan Cotnoir. (SOS monitors the our water system and is responsible for water quality testing, among other things).
  5. The  SOS Consumer Confidence Report (water quality report) was emailed  to all residents. Please contact Charlie if you have any questions.
  6. Curb stop replacement: Several valves need replacing this summer/fall. Jeff to get the list from SOS. Charlie to get in touch with Chris Wells (excavator) to get this work scheduled.
  7. Asset management program (AMP) – Drew has completed the application as is ready to release to the State.
  8. Bond status: We conntinue to be hung up in obtaining an identification number for the sam.gov website. Brian is on vacation, as is the State worker we have been working with, so nothing new to report. This sam.gov issue is a known problem that has affected a variety of other loans.
  9. Pothole near the entrance to the reservoir: The plan is to have Wilfred King repair this when driveway paving begins in the neighborhood.
  10. Communication between the pump house and the reservoir appears to be acceptable. This issue will be revisited if things change.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm.

Minutes — March 22 2023

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner Kroll, Jeff Earl, Charlie Windisch

Meeting Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Minutes from the February meeting were approved.
  2. 1st quarter bill status: Marilyn reports one household has not paid yet. She is working with them.
  3. Bill autopay option thru Community Bank: 11 Families have signed on thus far. (Autopay option means never being late with your water bill payment. It makes the bill collector’s job that much easier. If interested contact Marilyn Marshall).
  4. Second quarter bills have not gone out as of the meeting date. Jeannie reports they should be out by the end of the week.
  5. Bond (loan) from the State drinking water fund: The committee continues to work with the State to resolve an issue with the sam.gov website. Brian and Charlie met (via an online meeting) for 1 ½ hours on March 14 with our loan processor to try to diagnose the problem. We believe some progress has been made. (Note: Other water districts are dealing with this same issue – it is a known problem.)
  6. The antenna at the reservoir was not replaced. Verizon has made upgrades to the service and it was felt this would improve communication between the pump house and the reservoir. Jeff will monitor the communication link to see if it has improved.
  7. Curb stop replacement: Committee to contact SOS to get the list of problematic curb stops (shut off / blow off valves). We also need to contact the excavator (Chris Wells) to schedule time this summer to get the replacement work done.
  8. Next meeting: April 18, 2023.

Meeting ended at 7:45pm.

Minutes — February 21 2023

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Chris Laskowski, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Jeffrey Earl, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm.

  1. Minutes from the January 2023 meeting were approved.
  2. Bill collector report (Marilyn Marshall): 6 January payments have not yet been received. Late notices have been sent out.
  3. Autopay option thru Community Bank: 9 households have signed up. With this option, future water bills can be paid with an automatic deduction from your Community Bank account. You don’t have to write a check/mail it in, and you will never be late. This also makes the bill collector’s job that much easier.
  4. Financial status: Brian reports our financial standing is good. We have roughly $29K in our account. $15K remains to be paid to Culligan for the greensand filter replacement last summer. 
  5. The $60K bond (loan) from the State drinking water revolving fund is hung up in the sam.gov website. We are not the only ones in this position – it has become a known problem that other fire districts are trying to deal with. The committee is working with the state employee who handled our application to try to resolve (hopefully soon).
  6. The communication between the reservoir and the pump house is still somewhat marginal. The antenna was supposed to have been replaced (not sure this happened). Jeff to check on this.
  7. Asset Management Plan (AMP) – Drew to fill out the application with the state. The water engineer (Tyler Billingsly/East Engineering) has agreed to provide his services. This program will give JFD #1 priority in the event dollars are needed in the future for upgrades/repairs.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44pm.