Attendees: Jeff Earl, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Bill payment status: An exact number was not available as of meeting time, but Brian indicated we are pretty close to everyone having paid up based on deposit information.
  2. System purge/blowoff – This has not happened yet, despite several calls from Jeff to SOS. Jeff to follow up again with SOS.
  3. JFD #1 violation with the State – SOS reports they are working with Champlin Associates to resolve the issue. The violation involves reporting how much water goes into and out of the filter/pump house. The Mission Software (provided by Champlin) is not currently reporting the data required by the State, but used to.
  4. Financials – Brian reported that we are in good shape. Payments have been coming in as expected and a few forecasted expenditures are actually lower than expected.
  5. AMP (Asset Management Program) – Nothing new to report.
  6. Greensand filter loan – Almost there! This has been a long process with many steps and forms to be filled out, but we are almost there. Once we have the dollars we Brian will pay the outstanding balance that is owed Culligan.

Meeting adjourned at 7:43pm