Attendees: Jeff Earl, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Kevin Trout, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

  1. Bill payment status: Marilyn reported (via email) that approximately 80% of the households have paid the third quarter bill.
  2. Financials: Brian reported that we are pretty much on target with regards to spending vs expected income. The goal is to keep the rates as low as possible for all Foothills customers. It was noted that in general we are not limited by water availability – if the neighborhood were bigger we could meet the needs of all. But the number of houses is fixed (roughly 70) and the costs must be shared by that number.
  3. Paving – The small patch of chewed up road near the access to the reservoir was paved by Chris King paving.
  4. The chlorination of the water appears to be off. SOS had noticed the chlorine drip system in the pump house was not working properly and adjusted accordingly. Several neighbors have alerted the committee. We will monitor the situation (it takes about three days to use the water in the reservoir) to see if things change. If not, SOS will be notified.
  5. Jeff and Drew will attend the second day of the Asset Management Program on 10/18/23.
  6. The new pump for the reservoir has arrived and arrangements to have it installed will be made. This should greatly help keeping our system pressurized as we have been limping along sometimes only with one pump (should be two) as one was undergoing repairs.
  7. The propane heater in the pump house has not been working for a while. Chris Laskowski has agreed to take a look.

Meeting concluded at 8:10am