Minutes — June 21 2022
The June meeting of the JFD #1 was held June 21, 2022 at the Deborah Rawson Library. The minutes are as follows:
Attendees: Marilyn Marshall, Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Jeff Earl, Brian Stevens, Chris Laskowski, Charlie Windisch.
Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm
- Minutes from the May 2022 meeting were approved.
- Bill payment status: All households are paid for the second quarter. One household still owes for the first quarter of this year.
- Due to continuing issues with late payments, the board has agreed to follow and enforce the statutes with regard to late payments and termination of service. The statutes, as applicable to JFD #1, can be found at jerichofoothills.org/foothills-water-system, Water System Rules + Regulations. (Note: These regulations mirror the state regulations.)
- The new greensand filter is in place and is operational! Work was completed by Culligan Water and LaPlante Plumbing.
- Financials: Brian Stevens reported our balance sheet is in good shape. We do have some dollars in reserve, but this is needed as a pipe breakage (unpredictable!) can easily cost many thousands of dollars.
- Loan to pay the greensand filter bill: We do have an application on file with the state to tap into the State Drinking Water Fund. We are trying to get the approved amount bumped up to cover the entire cost of the project.
- Culligan and SOS (Simon Operation Services) have both recommended we purchase a commercial grade dehumidifier for the pump house. This will remove excess condensation from the pump house and prevent corrosion of the greensand filter structure. The board unanimously agreed to authorize the purchase the dehumidifier.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm
Minutes — May 17 2022
Attendees: Jeff Earl, Drew Bulfer, Anne Kroll Lerner, Charlie Windisch
Meeting was held at the Deborah Rawson Library; called to order at 7pm.
- Second quarter bill status: 5 households are currently delinquent; one household is awaiting aid from the State. Second notices have gone out. (As a side note, residents are strongly encouraged to pay on time! Water bills should be treated as any other utility bill. Delinquency can result in your water being shut off.)
- Third quarter bills: Notices will be sent out for most residents via email. Instructions will be included, but for the most part will be the same as for the US Mail notices. “Water BIlls Due” signs have been purchased and will be set up at the entrance to the neighborhood mid June.
- Greensand filter replacement: The work is scheduled for June 16th. There should be no impact on the neighborhood water supply.
- State Drinking Water Funds: The committee continues to pursue tapping into the state funds, which would provide low interest loans and possible loan forgiveness, for the greensand filter project.
- Curb stop replacement: Several valves were flagged as potentially problematic last summer. The committee is in the process of getting a quote refresh to have this work done (most likely in the Fall of this year).
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 21 at 7pm.
Comments invited.
Minutes — April 19 2022
Foothills residents – Here are the minutes from the April 2022 JFD #1 meeting.
Attendees: Jeffrey Earl, Drew Bulfer, Anne Kroll Lerner, Fred Lavenberg, Charlie Windisch.
The meeting was called to order at 7pm via Zoom.
- 2nd quarter bill status – Marilyn reported that as of 4/15, 11 households had not paid yet (bills were due 4/1). These households were contacted and a second notice was sent out. A big change for the billing process – for the next quarter, bill notices will be sent out via email (to the extent possible) rather than US mail. This is a test run; we will see how it goes. If successful, it will significantly save dollars normally spent on first class stamps. A notice will be sent out prior to the due date (July 1) via the All Foothills distribution list, and a sign will be posted at the bottom of Foothills Dr and Raceway informing residents.
- Greensand filter replacement: looks like this will happen the second week of May. Financing: Drew Bulfer to check with the State to see where we stand with regards to obtaining funding from the State Drinking Water fund.
- Culligan (greensand filter manufacturer) has recommended a dehumidifier unit for the pump house. This will dry out the air and eliminate the corrosion that has affected the filter support structure.
- There was a discussion regarding the hardness of our water. No doubt, it is considered hard, but not unusually so. The greensand filter removes the manganese, which had been a problem prior to it’s installation. The water is tested regularly by SOS to check for abnormalities. A water quality report is issued to all residents annually. (A side note: Among the members present, some have water softeners, some don’t. Seems to be a personal preference.)
- Curb stop replacement – We will get a quote refresh from Wells excavating.
All for now. Comments/questions invited.
Minutes — 2022 Annual Meeting
Foothills residents – Here are the minutes from the JFD #1 Annual Meeting, held Tuesday February 15, 2022.
Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Marilyn Marshall, Chris Laskowski, Chris Lavorgna, Ann Kroll Lerner, Dottie Windisch, Drew Bulfer, Charlie Windisch, Jeffrey Earl.
Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
- Marilyn Marshall was introduced at the new JFD #1 bill collector. (Jeannie Satink will continue to mail out the quarterly bills.) As a reminder, the quarterly bills remain at the $235 rate.
- Elections: Jeff Earl was elected President. Drew Bulfer was elected to join the Prudential Committee. Charlie Windisch and Brian Stevens were elected to remain in their current positions of Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.
- State Permit status for the greensand filter replacement: Fred reported the permit is currently in the public comment period, which lasts for two weeks. Thus, we expect approval by March 1, 2022.
- Culligan reported it will take about 4-6 weeks to begin the filter/structure replacement. Given we expect approval from the state March 1, Culligan should be able to replace the filter in the early April timeframe.
- Financing the filter replacement: Two options here. a) Line of credit from Community Bank; loan from the State Drinking Water Fund. We are on the State list, but currently below the cut-off line (but close). This list gets updated every few weeks (projects are added/removed) so there is a chance we can still get funding from the State. Two advantages of using the Drinking water fund: a) The interest rate is lower; b) Oftentimes part of the loan is forgiven.
- There was some discussion on improving the current bill pay method – ie, moving to either an on-line payment option or an automatic checking account deduction. When the committee has a proposal, it will be sent out to the Foothills development for comment.
Meeting was adjourned at 8pm. Next meeting: Tuesday March 15, 2002 at 7pm.
Minutes — January 18 2022
Foothills residents – Here are the minutes from the January 2022 JFD #1 meeting.
Attendees (via Zoom): Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Chris Lavorgna, Chris Laskowski, Robert Nadal, Jeffrey Earl, Charlie Windisch.
Meeting was called to order at 7pm
- Robert reported that as of the meeting time, six households are delinquent in paying the Q1 water bills. Reminders to be sent out.
- The committee continues to await approval from the State regarding our permit to replace the greensand filter. (Green Mountain Engineering submitted the permits on our behalf.) As this is an exact replacement for what currently exists, no surprises are expected.
- A request has been made to Culligan Corp to get a refresh on the quote for the greensand filter replacement itself. The current quote is over a year old.
- The committee is also awaiting word from the State to see if JFD #1 can get a low interest loan from the drinking water fund. We expect a decision within a few weeks.
- The Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, February 15 2022 at 7pm. The meeting warning has been sent to all Foothills residents.
- The committee is looking for help! Please consider attending future meetings and becoming engaged in the operation of our water system. This is NOT a huge time commitment!
Meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Water Quality — 2020 Report
Minutes — December 14 2021
- 4th quarter billing status: Two households have not paid up as of the meeting time. Service shut-off notices have been sent out (will take effect early Jan ’22). Two households paid the old quarterly amount ($230 vs $235). The difference will be added to their 1st quarter 2022 bills. 1st quarter 2022 bills have been sent out. Please contact me if you did not receive your bill.
- Greensand filter replacement – We await final approval from the state (it is in the queue).
- Greensand filter financing – Application was made for a low interest loan from the state drinking water fund. Currently, we are above the cut line in terms of obtaining dollars, but more money may be coming from the Federal government in early January ’22. This may improve our chances. Fall back position is a loan from Community Bank NA.
- Curb stop/blow off valve replacement – a handful of valves need to be replaced. This work will be scheduled for the Spring of 2022.
- Pump house is in need of some upgrades. More discussion to take place at future meetings.
Minutes — November 16 2021
- 4th quarter bill payment status (Robert): As of the meeting time, two households are delinquent in making payment. Delinquent notices have been sent out. As a reminder, bills are payable upon receipt! The amount due is currently at $235 per quarter.
- The project to replace the greensand filter/support structure in the pump house continues to move forward. The submittal fee and application to the State has been made, and we are awaiting final approval. As several months have now gone by since the original quote from Culligan, we will get a refresh on the final dollar amount.
- The communication between the pump house and the reservoir seems to be working fine. (The Mission System now relies on a cellular connection as opposed to the older line of sight communication).
- The wellhead area was brush hogged in the early fall. As a reminder, this land is open to all Foothills residents to use as they see fit.
- Replacement of several curb stop valves/flush valves was not done this year due to scheduling issues. The Prudential Committee will revisit this and try to get the work lined up for Spring 2022.
Minutes — May 18 2021
- It is believed that all residents are paid up and current for the second quarter bills. We will verify that this is in fact true.
- Brian reported we are still awaiting word from the state with regards to our application for DWSRF monies, to be used for payment for the greensand filter replacement (this summer). We expect to hear within the next couple of weeks. Our fallback position is a loan from the Community Bank NA.
- Our bank balance is in good standing. (If anyone would like details, the committee would be glad to share the information).
- A short discussion was held regarding the use of the common land around the well head. This land is open to all Foothills residents. Grass paths are being mowed and maintained (thank you Chris Lavorgna) for our benefit. There was a No Trespassing sign that was removed (by whom we do not know), but will be replaced. The sign was to signal that the land was not open to the general public. The committee again wants to point out it is open for the enjoyment of our neighbors.
- Charlie Windisch, JFD #1 Secretary