Live Fire at Range June 2016

June 2016:

1-3 Small Arms, Machine Guns
4-5 (Sat-Sun) Small Arms, Machine Guns
6-10 Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
11-12 (Sat-Sun) Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
13-17 Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
18-19 (Sat-Sun) Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
20-24 Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
25-26 (Sat-Sun) Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars
27-30 Small Arms, Machine Guns, Mortars

Updated Rules + Regs

The Rules and Regulations document has been updated. The specific fee information in there was removed as the annual fees are re-evaluated each year. This was requested at the last Prudential Committee meeting.

This document is now a Google Doc, and is accessible to anyone that is already a member of the group.

Archived previous versions of the document can be viewed on this page. Also newly added to that page is the document that established the Fire District.

Minutes – April 19 2016

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho Fire District No. 1

April 19, 2016

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Ann Kroll Lerner, Brian Stevens, Les Allen, Dan Dube

Brian presented our current, Operating Income and Cash Flows with 2016 revenues of $22,440 (see attachment). This does not include all of the 2nd quarter assessments. One more deposit of late receipts is outstanding.

Current cash balance is $28,033 with most operation cost on target. We are under budget for snow removal and we expect, by YE, to be over budget for sludge removal.

Les, acting as the interim, 2nd qtr. Bill collector, reported that all payments were received but the one from the abandoned house on Arcadia Circle. He also reported that twelve payments were received at varying times past the due date.

The faulty curb stop at #2 Ridge Rd. was discussed. According to our system operator, the fault was a bent pipe, into which the valve wrench is inserted to actuate the valve. This curb stop pipe, like some others, sticks up above the lawn where it is exposed to accidental bending when hit by lawn mowers or other items. In this incident, the water was shut off at the entrance to Ridge Rd (affecting nine homes) while the leak within the residence was fixed. Our system operator has offered to determine an average cost for repairing such a pipe so as to eliminate the pipe’s risk of future bending and/or correcting existing bent pipes. Our operator will also survey how many, if any other curb stops have similar bent access pipes. When these numbers are known, the PC will consider what action to take.

The PC approved the summer maintenance plan proposed by our system operator. This includes:

  1. A Spring flushing of the distribution lines.
  2. Cleaning and inspecting cell B of the two reservoir cells.

Les explained the events of our most recent sludge removal. This is a pump-out by our usual contractor P&P Septic. This time we were careful to pre-pump some of the clean water (resulting from the settling action within the holding tank) in order to ensure a single truck load (4,000 gal.) was not exceeded. However, the bill exceeded our expectations based on several previous billings. Discussions with P&P Septic did not explain the low prior bills but did explain the current billing methodology. We can expect a yearly cost for sludge pump out to be a minimum of $3,240.

Dan Dube, our new web master, showed us the work that he has accomplished with a revised web site and explained some of the differences. This web site is based in Google where-as the prior site was based in Yahoo. The location, remains the same. The PC approved for Dan to proceed, in particular to install all of the known members (Foothills Residents) e-mail addresses. There will be an option for members to opt out, but starting with all in is easier and more efficient than offering a sign-up procedure. We are excited by what Dan has accomplished and thank him for his service.

Also, to our delight, two members offered to be bill collectors for our water system. These are; Sue Grab and Robert Nadal. It has been discussed, to split the tasks in a similar way that Debbie Lackey and Dawn Makowenskyi had done. Mac Lippert will assist this transition prior to the 3 rd quarter billing. We thank Sue and Robert for this generous offer to assist our operations.

Respectfully submitted

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Meeting Notice

The Prudential Committee of the Jericho Fire District No 1, will hold it’s April monthly meeting Tuesday, 4/19/16 at 7:00 PM in the J/U Library. Agenda items will include:
  1. Financial report/discussion
  2. 2nd Qtr. collections report/discussion
  3. Sludge pump-out report/discussion
  4. New Help discussion; Sue Grab and Robert Nadal will be our bill collectors and Dan Dube will manage our web site
  5. Curb stop repair
  6. Summer maintenance planning
  7. Others as judged appropriate

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1

Water Shutoff Today

This note is to inform you that there will likely be a short term water shut-off today, sometime.

The reason for this is that there is a water leak at No 2 Ridge Rd. which cannot be fixed without the water shut off. The curb stop (street shut-off) at #2 Ridge Rd.has been determined to not operate so that a shut off could be contained to that customer. Therefore the shut-off that controls service to all Ridge Rd residences will be shut-off to allow the leak at #2 Ridge Rd to be fixed.

We hope this will be short term. In any event, following this disruption to your service, it is best for you to run your water for a period of time to clear any discoloration that may occur as a result of the shut-off.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Les directly.

Les Allen, clerk, JFD#1


If you have a problem with your water, please see the Report a Problem page.

The Foothills Community is located just off of Raceway Road from state route 15 in Jericho, Vermont.  A quick 15.5 miles from Burlington, and located at the foothills of Mt Mansfield.

Our water system is run as a municipality and has a set of Rules and Regulations that each member should be familiar with.

Thanks for stopping by — have a look around at our neighborhood and our community. If you would like to get in touch with us, please use our contact form and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Minutes – March 15 2016

Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho Fire District #1

March 15, 2016

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian MacDonald, Ann Kroll Lerner, John Irving, Les Allen

Financials: A summary of income and expenses, provided by Brian Stevens, showed an account balance of $17,666. This does not include any receipts from the 2nd qtr. billing. This I & E document showed a $1,000 payment to P & P Septic for the filter backwash sludge disposal that occurred in 2015. This has been discussed before and our expectations are that these disposal cost can be kept to $680 if we properly dewater the holding tank prior to the sludge pump out.

Assets Management Grant consideration: An opportunity for a State grant to perform an assets management study/survey was discussed. The down sides; our 20% of cost, the commitment to complete the recommendation by 12/30/16, the imposed time and work for us and our judgement of the limited value add, were the collective reasons to decide to pass on this opportunity.

Sludge pump out alternative options: The current cost for the sludge pump out is still cause to continue to consider alternative means. In particular, pumping out on site, reducing sludge to solid form for accumulation into fewer, less costly disposal trips, will be explored.

2nd Qtr. Bill collecting: With the absence of Mac Lippert due to a family emergency, Les is filling in for this quarter. Les expressed his appreciation for the spreadsheet support work that he believes was done by Debby and Dave Lackey. It organizes the documentation and simplifies the bill printing.

Help needed: The Prudential committee discussed the need for Foothills volunteers for a) a permanent bill collector and for b) a web site maintainer. These are both limited time tasks, the bill collection is done quarterly and the web site maintenance; when changes occur, mostly annually. Brian has accessed the web site and believes this task to be not complex. Fred will make a plea to our neighbors for help.

Respectively submitted;

Les Allen, clerk, JFD#1