Minutes — March 22 2023

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner Kroll, Jeff Earl, Charlie Windisch

Meeting Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Minutes from the February meeting were approved.
  2. 1st quarter bill status: Marilyn reports one household has not paid yet. She is working with them.
  3. Bill autopay option thru Community Bank: 11 Families have signed on thus far. (Autopay option means never being late with your water bill payment. It makes the bill collector’s job that much easier. If interested contact Marilyn Marshall).
  4. Second quarter bills have not gone out as of the meeting date. Jeannie reports they should be out by the end of the week.
  5. Bond (loan) from the State drinking water fund: The committee continues to work with the State to resolve an issue with the sam.gov website. Brian and Charlie met (via an online meeting) for 1 ½ hours on March 14 with our loan processor to try to diagnose the problem. We believe some progress has been made. (Note: Other water districts are dealing with this same issue – it is a known problem.)
  6. The antenna at the reservoir was not replaced. Verizon has made upgrades to the service and it was felt this would improve communication between the pump house and the reservoir. Jeff will monitor the communication link to see if it has improved.
  7. Curb stop replacement: Committee to contact SOS to get the list of problematic curb stops (shut off / blow off valves). We also need to contact the excavator (Chris Wells) to schedule time this summer to get the replacement work done.
  8. Next meeting: April 18, 2023.

Meeting ended at 7:45pm.

Minutes — February 21 2023

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Chris Laskowski, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Jeffrey Earl, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm.

  1. Minutes from the January 2023 meeting were approved.
  2. Bill collector report (Marilyn Marshall): 6 January payments have not yet been received. Late notices have been sent out.
  3. Autopay option thru Community Bank: 9 households have signed up. With this option, future water bills can be paid with an automatic deduction from your Community Bank account. You don’t have to write a check/mail it in, and you will never be late. This also makes the bill collector’s job that much easier.
  4. Financial status: Brian reports our financial standing is good. We have roughly $29K in our account. $15K remains to be paid to Culligan for the greensand filter replacement last summer. 
  5. The $60K bond (loan) from the State drinking water revolving fund is hung up in the sam.gov website. We are not the only ones in this position – it has become a known problem that other fire districts are trying to deal with. The committee is working with the state employee who handled our application to try to resolve (hopefully soon).
  6. The communication between the reservoir and the pump house is still somewhat marginal. The antenna was supposed to have been replaced (not sure this happened). Jeff to check on this.
  7. Asset Management Plan (AMP) – Drew to fill out the application with the state. The water engineer (Tyler Billingsly/East Engineering) has agreed to provide his services. This program will give JFD #1 priority in the event dollars are needed in the future for upgrades/repairs.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44pm.

Minutes — January 17 2023

Foothills Residents: Here are the minutes of the 1/17/2023 JFD #1 meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

Attendees: Jeffrey Earl, Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch.

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

  1. Bill payment status: Marilyn (via email) stated that as of January 15, 51 households had paid the first quarter bills, 21 that have not. Reminder notices will be sent out.
  2.  Treasurer’s report: Brian indicates overall we are in a good position with our finances. Our cash assets are on the low side at present, but we expect the dollars to come in from the state bond and that will restore cash levels to a very healthy level.
  3. Bond vote: The vote to approve/disapprove the proposed bond from the State drinking water fund was unanimoulsy approved on December 19, 2022. (Thanks to all who took time out of their day to vote!). The JFD #1 clerk (Charlie Windisch) will submit the necessary documents to our counsel who will review and then forward to the state for the disbursemnt of dollars.
  4. Discussion was held regarding engaging with a state program that will put JFD #1 on a priority list in case additional dollars are needed for future improvements.  The program will involve a Prudential Committee member to attend a course offered by the state, and having a Professional Engineer review our current operation. The decison was made to go ahead, as there are many pro’s to doing so and no con’s.
  5. Valve replacements – There were a number of curbstop valves that were identified as needing replacement. The committee will get the list from SOS and contact Chris Wells (excavator) to get the work done this year.
  6. Bill autopay at Community Bank – All officers have signed the necessary paperwork to begin the process of allowing residents an autopay option. More to come on this.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:49pm.

Minutes — December 12 2022

The information meeting regarding the upcoming bond vote (Loan # RF3-469-3.0) was held on 12/12/2022 at the Deborah Rawson Library meeting room.

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Jeffrey Earl, Dan Dube, Jon Byer, Mac Lippert and Charlie Windisch.

Meeting called to order at 7:11pm

The background regarding the need for the loan was discussed. In summary:

The greensand filter (primarily removes the manganese from the water) was installed in 2003 and had reached the end of it’s life. Concerned that the structure could collapse at any time (and result in an immediate and very expensive repair) the Prudential Committee made the decision to have Culligan replace the filter this past summer. The total bill for the greensand filter project (engineering fees, labor, the filter itself) came to $68,335.

Some time prior to last summer, the Committee had been in touch with the state to obtain a long term loan (bond) from the state’s drinking water revolving fund, as the reserves of the Jericho Fire District #1 were not sufficient to cover the full cost of the project.

The state approved our application for $60,000. The loan will be paid over 20 years (one payment per year of $3669.78). There will be no impact to the current quarterly bills.

However, since we are a municipality, the bond cannot be simply accepted by the committee – it must be voted upon by the registered voters of the Foothills development.

That vote will take place next Monday, December 19, 2022. Polls will be open from 10am to 7pm at the Deborah Rawson library meeting room.

There was a question as to whether there are other pending projects regarding the water system. The committee does recognize the need to eventually replace the existing piping that runs from the wellhead to the pump house. The committee wants to take advantage of another state program that will enable dollars to be available for that effort when the time comes.

The meeting ended at 7:30pm

Meeting Notice for December 19

The Prudential Committee will be asking the Foothills residents to vote on a $66,000 bond from the Vermont Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. The monies are needed to pay for the new greensand filter, associated support structure and other miscellaneous upgrades to the filtration system that were installed last summer. The bond is necessary as JFD #1 does not have enough reserves to cover the cost of the project. The revolving fund program provides low cost financing to municipal water systems for capital improvements.

More details will be forthcoming in the near future. Please see the special Warning for the information meeting (December 12) and the vote day (December 19).

See official “warning” document here.

Minutes — November 15 2022

Minutes of the 11/15/2022 JFD #1 Meeting

Location: Deborah Rawson Library Meeting Room

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Jeffrey Earl, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Brian Stevens, Dottie Windisch, Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:07pm

  1. Recap of last meeting: Presentation by the State on a program to obtain money for future water related projects went well. The board felt this was a program we should engage in and will force us into doing things we should be doing anyway, such as an inventory of all equipment/facilities, expected lifetime and replacement costs.
  2. Bill payment status: One household is still in arrears from the 2nd and 3rd quarters. Bill collector (Marilyn) is working with the party as they attempt to get aid from the State and get caught up.
  3. Mission System (communication between pump house and reservoir) – the antenna at the pump house will be replaced with a 4G antenna in an attempt to get a more robust communication system in place.
  4. The field down by the river has been brush hogged by Chuck Wiegand.
  5. The excavation hole (summer repair to fix a leak) near the pump house has been filled in.
  6. The committee unanimously approved a Resolution Certificate and Warning for an upcoming bond vote. More information to come on this, but the Prudential Committee will ask Foothills residents to vote on a bond that will enable JFD #1 to borrow money to pay for the greensand filter (and associated valves, control and pipe) that was installed last summer.
  7. The electrical box at the pumphouse is actually in good shape, so no switch replacements are needed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Minutes — September 20 2022

The meeting was held on 9/20/2022 at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library.

Attendees: Ann Lerner Kroll, Fred Lavenberg, Chris Laskowski, Jeff Earl, Brian Stevens, Charlie Windisch.

The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm

  1. The minutes from the August meeting were approved.
  2. Water bills payment status: One household has not paid the 3rd quarter bill yet. The committee is working with another household towards paying the 3rd quarter bill in stages. About half of the households have paid the 4th quarter bill. (Note: 4th quarter bills are due October 1st !)
  3. The excavation to fix the mid summer leak still needs to be filled in. A call will be made to Chris Wells (excavator) to do this.
  4. Financials: Brian reported that income (water bill payments) and expenditures are tracking according to the norms.
  5. We are tentatively approved for our loan from the state Drinking Water fund to cover the replacement of the greensand filter. One outstanding action item is a vote is needed by the neighborhood to authorize the borrowing of the money. More details to come as to how and when this “bond vote” will occur.
  6. The circuit panel box in the pump house needs replacing. The committee will get two estimates and schedule the work.

Comments/questions invited.

Minutes — August 16 2022

Attendees: Drew Bulfur, Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Jeff Earl, Marilyn Marshall, Charlie Windisch.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

  1. The minutes from the July 2022 meeting were approved.
  2. Third quarter water bill payment status: One household has not paid as of the meeting date. Further action will now be taken in an effort to obtain payment.
  3. Autopayment – The committee decided to put off for at least a quarter any additional steps of an autopay approach to paying the water bills.
  4. Fourth quarter bills will be sent out early September. Bills will be due October 1st.
  5. Communication between pump house and the reservoir: The communication takes place using a cell phone approach. The radios were upgraded in early August. This will improve the communication between the two buildings and lead to a constant water supply at the reservoir.
  6. Greensand filter replacement cost: A partial payment ($15K) was made to Culligan Water from our reserves. The rest will be covered by the forthcoming loan from the State Drinking water fund.
  7. Application to the state for the loan for the greensand filter is in the final stages. We have already been approved and the committee is working with the state towards completing the paperwork.
  8. The electrical box in the pump house needs to be replaced as soon as possible. The committee will address and get estimates.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.

Minutes — July 19 2022

Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Marilyn Marshall,

Fred Lavenberg, Charlie Windisch.

Meeting was held in the meeting room at the Deborah Rawson Memorial Library. Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.

  1. June meeting minutes were unanimously approved.
  2. Water bill payment status: As of meeting time, six households had not paid their third quarter bills. A second notice will be sent out by the end of the month to those households that are delinquent. The email approach seemed to work reasonably well. There are a few accounts that requested a bill by mail (these requests were honored).
  3. The committee is still looking to streamline the bill pay process further.  We are exploring an automated payment method through the Community Bank (local bank on the corner of Raceway Rd and route 15. This essentially would be a type of automatic payment directly to the bank. Marilyn Marshall agreed to write a draft letter explaining the process and send to the committee for input and comment.
  4. The dehumidifier in the pump house is working very well. Previously, there was always a lot of moisture in that room, which combined with the chlorine led to significant corrosion of the greensand filter structure. The current lack of moisture should insure the new structure lasts a long time.
  5. We are awaiting final sign-off from the Professional Engineer for the new greensand filter. A water sample needs to be taken and tested.
  6. Payment from the State Drinking Water Fund is in the final stages. We have been approved; the money is there. We expect the money will be released in the next few weeks.
  7. A payment is due to Culligan for installation of the new greensand filter. Brian to contact Culligan to discuss a partial payment, with the knowledge that money from the state is forthcoming.
  8. The committee has a request for those that walk their dogs on the land by the pumphouse – please pick up after your pet!! There are plastic bags on the gate at the entrance. 
  9. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm

(Note: The pipe breakage which led to the disruption of the water supply happened after this meeting. This issue will be discussed at the August meeting.)