Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho Fire district No. 1

August 19, 2014

Attendees: Mac Lippert, Fred Lavenberg, Les Allen

Wellhead protection area. Les showed a recent copy of the current ANR map of our wellhead protection area that now includes the area for our primary source well. The fact that it was missing came to light in conjunction with the hearing for the Atwood development, with which there was a conflict.

CCR (Consumer Confidence Report) This water quality report for the year 2013 was distributed to our water system customers, mostly by email and some by US mail as required by State law.

UIC (Underground Injection Control) The “draft” permit (not to be issued until we complete the leach field re-construction) shows a new requirement for us, to measure the sludge level in the holding tank quarterly and to report the back-wash water quantity used. Our System Operator (SOS) will add this to the tasks that they perform for us. This is in addition to the annual engineering assessment reporting requirement for the backwash system.

Filter backwash leach field reconstruction The reason for this was explained in our June meeting minutes. The engineering work; design, permit processing, bid processing and construction supervision has been contracted and partially performed. The construction contract has been signed with the work expected to commence before 9/1/14. The total cost for this is expected to be $22,960.

Water service charge increase likely Due to several unexpected projects we have used most of the Capital Reserve fund, the money which was planned for expected replacement needs. This will need to be replenished, and the PC will be working to determine how much the quarterly billing will increase next year to accomplish this. LP to Vt Gas John Irving reported that the conversion to natural gas of our pump house heater and electric generator will cost $940.

New bill collector needed Debbie Lackey informed the PC that she will be moving to North Carolina (she’s taking Dave with her). We thank Debbie for the tasks she has performed for us and extend Dave and Debbie our best wishes. Debbie will conduct the 2014, 4th qtr. Billing, and a new bill collector will be needed by December. If anyone is interested in helping us with this please let us know soon. First to

Possible billing by email The PC discussed the possibility of sending the first pass billing by email. This will not cover every customer but will dramatically cut down on the work and save the district about $150/year. We don’t know if or how well this will work but further investigation will be done. We welcome your comments.

Respectfully submitted

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1