Attendees: Kevin Trout, Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Jeff Earl, Charlie Windisch.

Location: Deborah Rawson Memorial Library Meeting room

Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm

  1. Minutes from the November meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilyn (via email): Two households are still delinquent in paying the 4th quarter bill (was due October 1st). On the positive side, 10 households have already paid the 1st quarter 2025 bill (due January 1, 2025)
  3. Financial status: Overall, JFD #1 is in reasonably good shape, financially speaking. The committee spend a lot of time reviewing each line item in the budget, seeing where we met projections and where we fell short. There were several areas where more dollars need to be allocated for FY 2025. As such, the committee is recommending that the quarterly bill be increased by $15 (from $235 to $250) starting with the second quarter of 2025. Rates have not changed for three years, despite rising labor and material costs. (Note: This represents a 4.7% increase, which the committee felt was reasonable). The FY 2025 budget will be finalized at the January 2025 meeting.
  4. Lower pump house repairs: The building is showing it’s age and is in need of improvements. The committee (Drew) will contact several contractors who are all fully insured to get estimates. We anticipate a Spring 2025 start date.