Location: Deborah Rawson Memorial Library meeting room.
Attendees: Lane Simon, Becca Simon (SOS); Carmen Zwack, Ali Corn, Megan Young (Drinking Water and Groundwater Protection Division – State of Vermont); Fred Lavenberg, Jeffrey Earl, Brian Stevens, Ann Kroll Lerner, Kevin Trout, Charlie Windisch (JFD #1 Prudential Committee)
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm. Introductions were made.
- A substantial part of the meeting was spent discussing the Asset Management Plan (AMP). East Engineering developed the plan which lists the total assets of the JFD #1 system, including pumps, filters, curb stop locations and estimated ages of the components. The intent is to make this a “living document” that will be updated from time to time. The goal is to identify weak points ahead of time and to be proactive instead of merely reacting to problems as they arise. The purpose of the State attending was to witness that we are a functioning municipality. As a result the loan taken out to fund East Engineering is hereby forgiven.
- Many topics were discussed with SOS. The highlights were the line breakage which occurred on Arcadia (stuck valve) and lead to a loss of system pressure and the subsequent boil water order. Also discussed was the situation that lead to the high levels of manganese and what was done to correct that (two new chlorine pumps). We are still awaiting the results of the samples submitted to officially lift the high manganese warning, but tests done by SOS indicate the levels are way down. We also discussed testing for manganese monthly rather than quarterly so that we know sooner if a problem has developed. The greensand filter should also be inspected 2x per year to insure it is functioning properly.
- Bill pay status: Marilyn Marshall reported that there are still four households who have not paid the 4th quarter bill (which was due October 1). The committee will discuss late fees to be applied to delinquent accounts at the next meeting.
- Financials: Brian reported that repair costs are coming in slightly higher than budgeted but nothing to be alarmed about. Otherwise the financial position looks good. The FY 2025 budget will be presented at the next meeting (December 17).
- Meeting was adjourned at 9pm.