Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

Attendees: Chris Laskowski, Fred Lavenberg, Drew Bulfer, Jeffrey Earl, Kevin Trout, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner-Kroll, Charlie Windisch.

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.

  1. Minutes from the December meeting were approved.
  2. Water bill payment status: 11 households have not paid their 1st quarter 2025 bill (was due January 1); one household has not paid their 4th quarter 2024 bill nor the first quarter bill (you know who you are). The water bills should be treated like any other utility bill and must be paid on time!
  3. Officers were elected to new terms. Kevin Trout was elected  Chairman (aka “president”); Brian Stevens will continue on as Treasurer; Charlie Windisch will continue on as Secretary/Clerk, and Marilyn Marshall as bill collector.
  4. Lower pumphouse repairs: The pumphouse building is in desperate need of repairs. The committee received an estimate from Koss Construction (via Drew) to repair wood rot, fix the front entrance and apply vinyl siding to the building. The estimate ($6500) was considered very fair and the committee voted to approve.
  5. The budget for 2025 was discussed and approved. Quarterly bills going forward will be $250 (up from $235). It is the first increase in several years and represents a 4.7% increase.
  6. Manganese testing: Kevin will contact SOS to request monthly testing for manganese (at least for the next six months) to insure the greensand filter and chlorine pumps are doing their job in filtering out the manganese.
  7. Greensand filter maintenance – Kevin to contact Culligan to set up a semi-annual maintenance contract (recommended by SOS).
  8. Septic tank pump out – Kevin to contact SOS and P&P to make sure we are on a good schedule (every three years) for pumping out the septic tank. The septic tank holds the manganese and other impurities filtered out by the greensand filter. 

Meeting concluded at 8:10pm