Location: Deborah Rawson library meeting room.

Attendees: Drew Bulfer, Brian Stevens, Fred Lavenberg, Jeff Earl, Kevin Trout, Charlie Windisch

** There is a small tree down on the access road to the pump house. Looking for a neighborhood volunteer with a chain saw to take care of this.

** Someone dropped off a bag of garbage near the gate entrance to the pump house. If anyone is headed to the dump and wouldn’t mind taking this bag along, it would be greatly appreciated.

The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm

  1. The minutes from the July 2024 were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilynn reported (via email) there are a few households delinquent in paying the third quarter bills. She is working with them to resolve this.
  3. Financials: Brian Stevens led the committee through the financial status. Expenses are running as projected, as is the expected income.
  4. A new propane heater has beenĀ installed in the pump house. It’s up and running with no issues – ready for the cooler temperatures.
  5. The holding tank near the pump house is due for a pump out. (This tank holds the manganese and other impurities that the greensand filter catches). Charlie to call P&P Septic to arrange to have this done.
  6. Approximately six shut-off valves need to be replaced. This work will be scheduled for next year. The committee will contact Chris Wells.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm