Minutes — Jul 16 2024

Attendees: Brian Stevens, Fred Lavenberg, Kevin Trout, Drew Bulfer

Charlie Windisch

Meeting was called to order at 7:12pm

  1. The minutes from the June meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: Marilyn Marshall (via email) reported that 10 households are now delinquent in paying the third quarter bill (bill were due July 1). Late notices will be sent out.
  3. Financials – Brian took the committee through the spreadsheets showing income and expenses. Overall, dollars are coming in as expected and expenses are what was projected. We are in good shape financially.
  4. Greensand filter maintenance – We do not have a maintenance contract in place with Culligan. The committee will discuss further with SOS and Culligan to see if this is something that should be in place. (There was a flare up in the manganese levels last September which necessitated a visit by Culligan to service the filter. More information needed).
  5. Asset Management Plan – A visit in the fall will be made by the State representatives to tour our facility. No firm date yet.
  6. Valve replacement – Committee will contact Chris Wells (excavator) to have this work done in the Spring of 2025.
  7. Pump house heater replacement – A new propane heater is needed for the pump house. The committee did receive an estimate earlier in the year. Charlie to contact Patterson Fuels to revive this effort.

Meeting ended at 8:20pm

Minutes — Jun 18 2024

Attendees: Jeff Earl, Drew Bulfer, Kevin Trout.

Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.

  1. Minutes from the April meeting were approved.
  2. Bill payment status: No update was available at the time of the meeting. Third quarter bills are due July 1st.
  3. The asset management plan completed by East Engineering has been made available on the water system page of the neighborhood website. Foothills Water System
  4. Consumer Confidence Report was sent out. The Sep 2023 high levels of manganese which were rectified later in the quarter by Culligan were discussed. The committee will reach out to Culligan to get set up for regular maintenance of the green sand filter.
  5. Valve replacements – Several curbstop valves need replacing. The committee will reach out to SOS to get a list of curb stops needing maintenance.
  6. Clutter cleanup – Some members of the committee will ad-hoc clean up waste around the buildings. A work day will be planned for September that will involve painting the well house. The committee will reach out to the neighborhood for volunteers to participate. More details around this forthcoming.

Meeting ended at 7:40pm