Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Brian Stevens, Ann Lerner Kroll, Jeff Earl, Charlie Windisch

Meeting Location: Deborah Rawson Library meeting room

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm

  1. Minutes from the February meeting were approved.
  2. 1st quarter bill status: Marilyn reports one household has not paid yet. She is working with them.
  3. Bill autopay option thru Community Bank: 11 Families have signed on thus far. (Autopay option means never being late with your water bill payment. It makes the bill collector’s job that much easier. If interested contact Marilyn Marshall).
  4. Second quarter bills have not gone out as of the meeting date. Jeannie reports they should be out by the end of the week.
  5. Bond (loan) from the State drinking water fund: The committee continues to work with the State to resolve an issue with the website. Brian and Charlie met (via an online meeting) for 1 ½ hours on March 14 with our loan processor to try to diagnose the problem. We believe some progress has been made. (Note: Other water districts are dealing with this same issue – it is a known problem.)
  6. The antenna at the reservoir was not replaced. Verizon has made upgrades to the service and it was felt this would improve communication between the pump house and the reservoir. Jeff will monitor the communication link to see if it has improved.
  7. Curb stop replacement: Committee to contact SOS to get the list of problematic curb stops (shut off / blow off valves). We also need to contact the excavator (Chris Wells) to schedule time this summer to get the replacement work done.
  8. Next meeting: April 18, 2023.

Meeting ended at 7:45pm.