Minutes of Prudential Committee Meeting

Jericho fire district No. 1

October 18, 2016

Attendees: Fred Lavenberg, Ann Kroll Lerner, Brian Stevens, Susan Grab, Les Allen

Service line at #35 Foothills Dr. The PC voted to ratify a decision made via electronic communication, to offer a one year loan for the excavation expense of $2,053.98 for the repair of this service line. The FD will pay this bill as a loan to the homeowner. A Promissory Note, to repay the loan in equal monthly payments was signed by the homeowner and accepted by the PC. Susan, our bill collector, will issue monthly bills for the repayment of this loan. The PC have questions regarding the security for this loan, and asked Les to speak with Jeff Spencer regarding some legal considerations.

Relocation of the curb stop (service shut-off) at #35 Foothills Dr. The cost for fixing the service line mentioned above, is excessive because the curb stop is a) across the street from the customer’s property and b) at a location with a concentration of other utilities. This results in an uncommon cost risk to this home owner and she asked for a curb stop on her property, away from the other utilities. The PC deems this request to be reasonable. The cost will be approx. $550 and will be done after the loan is fully paid. Ann recused herself from voting due to circumstances regarding her curb stop. Lacking a quorum for this decision, a vote was postponed.

Financial Report. Brian provided handouts to review (See attachment). Considering the remaining repair expectations, our financial position look good. We also discussed the expected irregularity of capital replacements and our reserve fund that combines this and our other needs. Brian has explained this at each of our annual meetings where it will be documented in the meeting minutes.

Mission System upgrade. This is a continuation of a discussion at our last meeting. Our system operator provided the PC with details and frequency of the on-line system messages for the past few years. The upgrade will separate out all error messages so that the urgent can be distinguished from the non-urgent. The PC approved this request to spend $1,275 for this upgrade.

Tree planting. The WNRCD (Winooski Natural Conservation District) wishes to plant trees that form a river embankment riparian buffer to help control erosion. We met with their representative for their consideration of our Creek/Browns River property. They have included us in their plans for the 2017 summer planting. The PC agreed to accept their offer which includes a token $50 contribution to their operation. Les will sign and return their agreement document.

Respectfully submitted;

Les Allen, Clerk, JFD#1